Friday, September 23, 2005

Thought according to me are "evanescent" so i just thought it would be a fitting name to this blog. This are just short lived ideas in my mind...
Ruminations in my mind ....but thought should lend some words to it...

I was in a bus back from the cube other day free from the manacles of my "official" obligations.This journey is quite an ordeal and i get to ruminate about a plethora of issues.On one fateful friday i was just thinking about the paralellism between a homo-sapien & electronic system a board (in particular),which amazed was the fact that when juxtaposed they would look like clones.
let me clear the haze...

Well i could corroborate my stand-point with a few visible similarities between the two.Both (from now on refers to homo-spiens & an electronic board) have a CPU the cerebrum & the processor respectively.In fact the brain could be compared to an SOC as it has the processing, memory & interface devices as a encapsulated unit.In both there are maskable & nonmaskable interrupts.For instance;a guy/gal mite mask a few interrupts from lower prority irqs but might accept & service a higher(read as highly comely)prority.Along similar lines men also service interrupts based on reading their source in a "electronic system" also the sytem learns to maintain the source of interrupts.(the one major difference being that we human beings tend to learn from previous experiences where as at present the systems donot hav that capability which will not be able to learn like human beings from previous experiences, a void that is being filled in by AI.
We ppl remember our experiences with a time stamp which could be wrong at times the baord also "logs" all the events (but for the intelligence part ) with the time stamp from the RTC.Now that RTC tick could be anlogous to our heart beat & the time stamp is nothing but the age that shows up in our phyical appearance.
Power supply could be equated to the food intake of the HSs.When we sleep we are in a power save mode & so is an 'electronic system" that enters the Power save mode during the moments of nonactivity......

Finally to finish in a philosophical note
"Take away the embedded software from a hardware it ceases to function.It is "TRASH"...Simply comparing....the body ceases to function without the "ATHMA"...the human body is just an object....."

On the lighter sense you might think that this is a case of the job pressure getting to the induvidual....

Comments most welcome...
I kind of lost the flow for the day....
comments most welcome blokes......


Blogger Dalaharp said...

way to go man, way to go...

8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole universe is a unified object and a unified phenemenon. Everything relates to everything in someway. But deeper understanding of that unification gives tremendous happiness to the soul! But most of us dont do it. Good that you are realising it..

9:53 PM  
Blogger Nero said...


Methinks you're working a bit too hard these days da...time for a break :D
Got the link through orkut, way to go!


7:40 AM  
Blogger gus said...

oh yep...those were those dog days...!!thnks blokes..

2:19 AM  

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