Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Interesting Quotes !

IT is easier to FALL but Harder to rise - anonymous
The situation when this comment was made was quite intersting -during digital circuit design discussion!!I was just amzed by how well it fits into normal life!!

Always start with the end in sight - anonymous
This is also an interesting quote that came about during the logical effort thoery class..Again fits well into the macro world.

When HE speaks the women LISTEN
This is also intersting quote that insinuates at a few interesting aspects .!!
How true??How often you get Women to do LESS talking and more listening!!

Unfortunately there are NO silverbullets in LIFE - Anonymous
This was quote made by an interesting professor during the analog design class when a student was complaining about impossible design specifications to meet.

IF you get through my course you will suffer from insomnia!

Man is a sequential logic circuit - anonymous
This quote was made during the digital course to describe sequential circuits since they remember their previous state!

IT is TIME to FORGET the CLOCK - gus
Well I say this after reading a few articles on asynchronous circuit design.It would not be far away when we can have circuits that DO not need a clock..Indeed it is time to forget the CLOCK

Plan for the worst case to Win - anonymous
This quote was made during the corner case simuation required to verify a design!

There are 2 ways to solve a problem - find a solution or avoid the problem!

There are numerous easy ways to make - being an EE is NOT one of them !

Just remembered a few of them for this blog posting...
Will update newer ones as when I find interesting ones!

Signing off